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Bucks County Community College

Bucks County Community College is proud to be a part of the PA Community College Consortium Agreement. With almost 100 programs of study across six different areas of focus, Bucks offers a wide variety of academic options for students in Bucks County and the surrounding areas.

Paul Toro Proces, Co-PI

Professor of Computer Science, Bucks County Community College

Professor Toro Proces holds a Master’s in Library & Information Science. He had a previous career as a library technologist including extensive experience in web design and backend administration. He has worked deeply with issues of accessibility, universal design, and technology over a decade and has published research in this area. He has been teaching computer science and networking courses since 2015. Paul serves as the computer science coordinator with a focus on process, curriculum, and analysis in service to students.


Mr. Toro Proces can be reached at

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