Partner Tutoring Services
Bucks County Community College
The Academic Success Center provides a place for all students to get assistance. Visit the center's website to schedule an appointment, get test help, find writing resources, and attend workshops.
Butler County Community College
BC3 offers tutoring for all students remotely and in person. Visit the BC3 Tutoring website to sign up for a session, find test prep assistance, or explore all available academic success resources. CIS students should contact Sherri Mack at for programming tutoring.
Montgomery County Community College
MCCC offers free online tutoring 24/7 and in-person tutoring by appointment. Visit the MCCC Tutoring website to sign-up for an in-person or online appointment, find an open tutoring session, or get writing support through the MCCC Writing Room.
Northampton Community College
The Northampton Learning Center offers tutoring services on a variety of subjects. Visit the center's website to view covered subjects, make an appointment, and explore student resources.
Penn Highlands Community College
Penn Highlands offers a wide range of tutoring services through the Student Support Department. Visit the Penn Highlands Tutoring website to find a tutor, obtain personal counseling, review disability services, or access their online tutoring service.
Westmoreland County Community College
WCCC's Tutoring and Learning Services offer tutoring in all general courses and other subjects as available. Visit the WCCC Tutoring website to view hours of operation, find testing services, or find online tutoring services offered through Brainfuse.